vrijdag 24 januari 2014

Blosseming Lisa Smiles

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There seemed no illusion too great no sky too high,
no road too long for her to carve out her fate
for life is her journey in an unknown way
tomorrow a question,
the past is yesterday a room
to escape to, an evening alone
contemplation in the twilight zone

She keeps all her mysteries
locked tightly away for fear they will reveal
too much of her today
Her sense of becoming,
her blossoming time is all
but near to her yet slightly out of line
When the jigsaw is complete
and the journey is over
a rose will develop

and springtime will discover
more pearls and petals
than you could imagine
for her growth and her love
will flow over Brilliant colours
and a dazzling array

she will show you her treasures
in an amazing way you’ll know
you have witnessed her night turn to day

While she smiles her M.L. smile..........

Lisa Smiles

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Hartelijk bedankt voor uw reactie bijdrage ....want waar zou de wereld toch zijn zonder de schone taal van de muzen.... Gedichtendroom

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